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You're on the way to a more confident, sociable dog.


Best Friends

You love your dog.
Your dog loves you.

But what do you do when your best friend seems angry or afraid of the rest of the world. Or just worryingly out of control.

Call us. We're specialists in training dogs with behavioural problems, including fear or aggression. We can help your troubled soul become a more confident, sociable dog. And that opens up the world for both of you.


We often find ourselves saying to clients: "You haven't got as big a problem as you think." Sometimes, what seems overwhelming is a lot less daunting when you understand what's triggering your dog's behaviour and can see the route forward. No magic wands, just a clear approach based on the science of dog behaviour.

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Our approach



Our first step is to calm everything down. We'll show you how to be safe, cool and feel in control while we work on the problem together. If your dog is fearful, we'll suggest simple ways to engage gently. If your dog is showing aggression, we might recommend some kit like haltis, harnesses or muzzles.  We never work with shock, spray, choke or prong collars.



We'll check what's at the root of the problem. We have straightforward, reliable (and behaviour science-based) ways to work our whether your dog's behaviour is caused by fear, frustration or one of the other less common problems. We'll talk to you about your schedule and what your priorities are so that we build a programme that's
do-able for you.



The route to success. We'll put together a training plan and coach you in timing and technique. Fear-based problems, particularly, do call for patience, but we'll be on hand to support. We're at the end of a phone or Zoom call or WhatsApp chat to help you get through and on to the next stage of progress.


Si Wooler 

Si is a qualified trainer, certified by the Academy for Dog Trainers, one of the most rigorous dog behaviour and training programmes in the world.


He has been training dogs for more than ten years, specialising in fear and aggression. He has worked as a volunteer trainer for Black Retriever Cross Rescue in Wiltshire. Si leads all consultations and training sessions.


His goal is always to help owners feel confident, in control and enjoy training their dogs because, when it comes to success, having fun through the process is part of delivering a great result.


Si came to dog training after 20 years as a sound engineer so loud barking hardly registers on his personal decibel scale.  His own troubled dog, Thomson, was the motivator for seeking out effective, evidence-based training methods.




We’re big believers in the power of loving, sociable dogs to change our lives for the better.  So if you’re struggling to cope with a dog with problems, we want to help you get things on track. Our job is to get you over the frustration and anxiety and onto the fun part: the way you always imagined life with your dog would be.


We don’t do myths or mystique or whispering. There really is way too much of that. We use the most up-to-date methods, based on the science of animal behaviour. These are positive, kind, proven techniques that will change the way your dog views the world and behaves towards it.


If you choose to work with us, here’s what you can expect:


The positive: in our training methods and in our attitude. We want you to succeed. We know that, for some dogs, you’ll have to work at it and that can sometimes be frustrating. We’re with you for the short term and the long haul, guiding you through and cheering you on.


Understanding – a whole heap of it. Because we’ve been there. Our dog Thomson, a rescue Rottweiler, was a serious hard case: angry, afraid and very, very loud about it.  In the beginning, most people only saw the anger and drew their own conclusions. So we know what that can feel like. But with patience, our boy came to see that life could be pretty cool. We’re confident you and your dog can, too.


Simple, straight-talking – we know our stuff, but the most important thing is not to swank about our expertise, it’s for you to be crystal clear what you need to do with and for your dog.  When we work with you, we’ll give you a training plan that sets out what the issue is, what we are going to do together, a step-by-step programme and a list of any kit or support you’ll need. 


Enlightenment: If that sounds a pompous word, we make only a small apology. There’s nothing we get a kick out of more than when one of our clients has an ‘aha’ moment and sees the huge difference a simple technique can make to their dog’s behaviour. We’re on a mission, too, to get the world to think about the way we train our dogs in a different way: To forget about being leader of the pack and just look for the right motivation. Ultimately, training that sticks comes down to motivation and reward, which isn’t so very different from humans.


Good humour:  OK, having a troubled dog is no joke. But you’re on your way to making it better so let’s enjoy the journey together and the laughter that there always is along the way.

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Reward & Incentive Officer


Ripley is arguably (well, she would argue) the most hard-working and dedicated member of the team. She is responsible for testing and trialling dog training rewards and incentives (treats, cheese, chicken, balls, toys). Tireless in her work, she has a programme of regular quality reviews in place to ensure standards are always fully maintained.

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Nina Cooper


Nina helps keep the cogs and wheels of Sociable Dog turning. She is the occasional co-presenter of the Sociable Dog Pod, posing the questions other non-pro trainers want to ask and blogs about the pleasures, pitfalls and, sometimes, pratfalls of living with dogs. In her other life, she is a brand strategist
and writer.



We can work with you face-to-face, remotely or a hybrid of the two. We carry professional insurance.

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What's involved:

  • An initial phone chat to get to know you, about your dog and the behavioural issue you want to address

  • A two-to-three hour consultation at your home or, if appropriate, in the local area to discuss how to change behaviour, demonstrate techniques and outline the way forward

  • A written training plan for you to follow, sent by email with any supporting video material 

  • Continuing advice via phone or WhatsApp as you start to work on the plan. We really do encourage you to get in touch if you stall or hit a sticky patch

  • Follow up session at a reduced rate if you need them.


We offer face-to-face consultations in Aberdeenshire and Moray. If you live elsewhere, get in touch to discuss.




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Zoom video consultation

What's involved:

  • An initial phone chat to get an outline of the issue and book a convenient slot to talk further

  • A 90 minute Zoom call where we can talk in detail about your dog's behaviour issues and, as with face-to-face consults, set out the basics of a plan. We may also run through video training material that demonstrates techniques

  • A detailed written plan sent by email with accompanying video 

  • On going support as you work the plan, including detailed review of video footage of your dog's behaviour (mobile phone video is fine - it doesn't need to be an Oscar-winning  production). We might also ask you to complete a diary of your dog's behavior.

  • Follow up coaching notes based on your videos or diary

  • A further Zoom consultation to keep on track.

As with face-to-face consultations, we really encourage clients to get in touch with questions or if you need advice between ‘formal' sessions.



Listen in ........

Join us for some relaxed conversation about dog behaviour, what lies behind it and what some of the issues and problems dog lovers face are all about.


Available wherever you get your podcasts.


In the news

Read and watch what Sociable Dog has been getting up to in the media

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Si talks to BBC Scotland's The Nine about helping Sophie from Romania, Twitter's most famous rescue dog.


Si talks to the Aberdeen Press and Journal about Sophie from Romania and her slow journey to adapt to life in her new home in the UK.



Gaby Hinsliff of the Guardian explores if the rise in dog ownership has led to an explosion of post pandemic behaviour problems and talks to Si about helping  fearful dogs.


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